Chapter 11 Area Related to Circles NCERT Exemplar Solutions Exercise 11.3 Class 10 Maths

Chapter 11 Area Related to Circles NCERT Exemplar Solutions Exercise 11.3 Class 10 Maths

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NCERT Maths Exemplar Solutions for Chapter 11 Area Related to Circles Exercise 11.3

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NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Maths

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths

Exercise 11.3 Solutions

Short Answer Questions

1. Find the radius of a circle whose circumference is equal to the sum of the circumferences of two circles of radii 15 cm and 18 cm.


Radius of first circle = r1 = 15 cm
Radius of second circle = r2 = 18 cm
Circumference of 1st circle = 2Ï€r1 = 30Ï€ cm 
Circumference of 1st circle = 2Ï€r2 = 36Ï€ cm 
Let the radius of the circle = R
We have,
Circumference of circle = Circumference of first circle + Circumference of second circle
2Ï€R = 2Ï€r1 + 2Ï€r2 
⇒ 2Ï€R = 30Ï€ + 36Ï€ = 66Ï€
⇒ R = 33
⇒ Radius = 33 cm
Therefore, required radius of a circle is 33 cm.

2. In Fig., a square of diagonal 8 cm is inscribed in a circle. Find the area of the shaded region.

Let us take a be the side of square.
Diameter of a circle = Diagonal of the square = 8 cm
In right angled triangle ABC,
Using Pythagoras theorem,
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2  
⇒ (8)2 = a2 + a2 
⇒ 64 = 2a2 
⇒ a2 = 32 
Area of square = a2 
= 32 cm2 
Radius of the circle = Diameter/2 
= 4 cm 
Area of the circle = Ï€r2 
= Ï€(4)2 
= 16 cm2 
So, the area of the shaded region = Area of circle - Area of square 
The area of the shaded region = 16Ï€ – 32
= 16 × (22/7) – 32
= 128/7
= 18.286 cm2 

3. Find the area of a sector of a circle of radius 28 cm and central angle 45°.


Area of a sector of a circle = (1/2)r2 Î¸
(In which r = radius and θ = angle in radians subtended by the arc at the center of the circle)

We have,
Radius of circle = 28 cm
Angle subtended at the center = 45°
Angle subtended at the center (in radians) = θ
= 45Ï€/180
= π/4
Area of a sector of a circle = (1/2) × r2θ
= (1/2) × (28)2 × (Ï€/4)
= 308 cm2 
Therefore, the required area of a sector of a circle is 308 cm2.

4. The wheel of a motor cycle is of radius 35 cm. How many revolutions per minute must the wheel make so as to keep a speed of 66 km/h?


Radius of wheel = r = 35 cm
1 revolution of the wheel = Circumference of the wheel
= 2Ï€r
= 2 × (22/7) × 35
= 220 cm
Speed of the wheel = 66 km/hr
= (66×1000×100) × 1/60  cm/min
= 110000 cm/min
∴ Number of revolutions in 1 min = 110000/220 = 500 
Thus, required number of revolutions per minute is 500.

5. A cow is tied with a rope of length 14 m at the corner of a rectangular field of dimensions 20m × 16m. Find the area of the field in which the cow can graze.


ABCD is a rectangular field.
Length of field = 20 m
Breadth of the field = 16 m

A cow is tied at a point A.
Let length of rope be AE = 14 m
Angle subtended at the center of the sector = 90°
Angle subtended at the center (in radians) θ = 90Ï€/180 
= π/2
Area of a sector of a circle = (1/2) × r2θ
= (1/2) × (14)2 × Ï€/2
= 154 m2 
So, the required area of a sector of a circle is 154 m2.

6. Find the area of the flower bed (with semi-circular ends) shown in Fig.


Length and breadth of the rectangular portion AFDC of the flower bed are 38 cm and 10 cm Area of the flower bed = Area of the rectangular portion + Area of the two semi-circles.

Area of rectangle AFDC = Length × Breadth
= 38 × 10
= 380 cm2   
Both ends of flower bed are semi-circle in shape.
Diameter of the semi-circle = Breadth of the rectangle AFDC
= 10 cm
Radius of the semi - circle = 10/2  = 5 cm 
Area of the semi - circle  = Ï€r2/2
= 25(Ï€/2) cm2  
As, there are two semi - circles in the flower bed, 
Area of two semi - circles = 2 × ( Ï€r2/2)
= 25Ï€ cm2  
Therefore, total area of flower bed = (380 + 25Ï€) cm2.

7. In Fig., AB is a diameter of the circle, AC = 6 cm and BC = 8 cm. Find the area of the shaded region (Use π= 3.14).

AC = 6 cm and BC = 8 cm 
A triangle in a semi - circle with hypotenuse as diameter is right angled triangle. 
By Pythagoras theorem in right angled triangle ACB, 
(AB)2  = (AC)2  + (CB)2 
⇒ AB2  = 62  + 82 
⇒ AB2  = 36 + 64
⇒ AB2  = 100 
⇒ AB = 10 
Diameter of the circle = 10 cm 
Radius of the circle = 5 cm 
Area of circle = Ï€r2 
= Ï€(5)2 
= 25Ï€ cm2 
= 25 × 3.14 cm2 
= 78.5 cm2 
Area of the right angled triangle = ( 1⁄2 ) × Base × Height
= (1⁄2) × AC × CB
= (1⁄2) × 6 × 8
= 24 cm2 
Area of the shaded region = Area of the circle - Area of the triangle 
= (78.5 - 24) cm2 
= 54.5 cm2 

8. Find the area of the shaded field shown in Fig. 


Construction : Join ED 

Radius of semi - circle DFE = 6 - 2 = 4M 
Area of rectangle ABCD  = BC × AB 
= 8 × 4 = 32m2 
Area of semicircle DFE = πr2/2
= π(2)2/2
= 2Ï€ m2 
Area of shaded region = Area of rectangle ABCD + Area of semicircle DFE 
= (32 + 2Ï€) m2.

9. Find the area of the shaded region in Fig. 


Construction: Join GH and EF
Breadth BC = 12 m
Breadth of inner rectangle EFGH =12-(4+4)
= 4 m
Diameter of semicircle EFJ = 4m
Radius = 2m
Length of inner rectangle EFGH= 26-(5+5)
= 16m
Therefore, area of two semicircles = 2 × Ï€r2/2
= π(2)2/2
= 4Ï€ m
Area of inner rectangle (EFGH) = EH × FG 
= 16 × 4
= 64 m2 
Area of outer rectangle (ABCD) = 26 × 13
= 312 m2 
Area of shaded region = Area of outer rectangle - (area of two semicircles + area of inner rectangles)
= 312 - (64 + 4Ï€)
= 248 - 4Ï€) m2

10. Find the area of the minor segment of a circle of radius 14 cm, when the angle of the corresponding sector is 60°.
Radius of circle (r) = 14 cm 
Angle of the corresponding sector ,central angle (θ) = 60°
OA = OB = Radius of circle
ΔAOB is isosceles.

Angle (OAB) = Angle (OBA) = θ
AOB + OAB + OBA = 180° 
⇒ 60° + θ + θ = 180° 
⇒ Î¸ = 60° 
Therefore, ΔOABis an equilateral triangle.
OA = OB = AB = 14cm
Area of ΔOAB = (√3/4) (side)2 
= (√3/4) (14)2  
= 49√3 cm2 

11. Find the area of the shaded region in Fig., where arcs drawn with centres A, B, C and D intersect in pairs at mid-points P, Q, R and S of the sides AB, BC,CD and DA, respectively of a square ABCD (Use π = 3.14).

Side of a square BC = 12 cm 
Q is a mid - point of BC. 
Radius BQ = 12/2 = 6 cm

Now, Area of square (ABCD) = (12)2
= 144 cm2  
Area of shaded region = Area of square - Area of  four quadrants 
= 144 - 113.04 
= 30.93 cm2

12. In Fig., arcs are drawn by taking vertices A, B and C of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm. to intersect the sides BC, CA and AB at their respective mid-points D, E and F. Find the area of the shaded region(Use Ï€ = 3.14). 
ABC is an equilateral triangle.
AB = BC = CA = 10 cm
As, D, E, F are mid points of the sides,
AE = EC = CD = BD = BF = FA = 5cm
⇒ ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = 60°
Area of sector CDE = θ/360 × Ï€r2 
= 60/360 × Ï€(5)2 
= 13.0833 cm2 
Area of shaded region = 3 × Area of sector CDE 
= 3 × 13.0833
= 39.25 cm2 

13. In Fig. 11.12, arcs have been drawn with radii 14 cm each and with centres P, Q and R. Find the area of the shaded region.

Radii of each arc (r) = 14 cm

14. A circular park is surrounded by a road 21 m wide. If the radius of the park is105 m, find the area of the road.

A circular park is surrounded by a road,
Width of road = 21m
Radius of park = 105 m
Radius of whole circular portion = Park + road
Area of road = Area of whole circular portion – Area of park
= Ï€(1262 - 1052)
= (22/7) (126 - 105)(126 + 105)
= 15246 m2 

15. In Fig., arcs have been drawn of radius 21 cm each with vertices A, B, C and D of quadrilateral ABCD as centres. Find the area of the shaded region. 
Radius of each arc (r) = 21 cm 
Area of sector with ∠A = (∠A/360) × Ï€r2 
= (∠A/360) × Ï€(21)2 
Area of sector with ∠B = (∠B/360) × Ï€r2 
= (∠B/360) × Ï€(21)2 
Area of sector with ∠C = (∠C/360) × Ï€r2 
= (∠C/360) × Ï€(21)2 
Area of sector with ∠D = (∠D/360) × Ï€r2 
= (∠D/360) × Ï€(21)2 
Sum of areas of four sectors = 

16. A piece of wire 20 cm long is bent into the form of an arc of a circle subtending an angle of 60° at its centre. Find the radius of the circle.
Length of arc of circle  = 20 cm 
Central angle (θ) = 60° 
Length of arc = (θ/360) × 2Ï€r
20 = (60/360) × 2Ï€r
⇒ r = 60/Ï€   cm
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