NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 Up You Go Class 5 EVS
Short Notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 Up You Go
There must be a high degree of responsibility on the part of the leader. To stay warm and strong, every member of the group takes vitamin C, chocolate milk, and iron with their breakfast. Mountaineers should climb with their bodies at an angle of 90 degrees and their backs straight. A brilliant inclusion in this lesson illustrates how treacherous a trek through the Himalayas can be. One of the teachers at Kendriya Vidyalaya kept a travel journal in this chapter. In addition to steep mountains and strong rivers, she crossed hurdles with a group. The summit points were reached after kilometres of trekking.

Chapter Name | Up You Go NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 5 |
Textbook Name | EVS |
Related Readings |
Page No 77:
Question Tell:
Question 1: Have you ever seen the mountains? Have you also climbed a mountain? When and where?
Disclaimer: This question has to be answered based upon one's own experience. Hence, the same can vary from one student to another. Considering this, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Question 2: How far have you walked at one time? How far can you walk?
Disclaimer: This question has to be answered based upon one's own experience. Hence, the same can vary from one student to another. Considering this, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Question Imagine:
Question 1: What do you think about the paths on the mountains? Draw a picture.
. Disclaimer: This question has to be answered based upon one's own experience. Hence, the same can vary from one student to another. Considering this, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Page No 78:
Question Tell:
Question 1: What do you think about the responsibilities of a group leader?
The responsibilities of a group leader are as follows:
(i) To take care of every member in the group, especially when they are ill
(ii) To maintain discipline in the group
(iii) To guide all members to the right path
Question 2: How would you feel if you were made a leader in such a camp?
Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing their feelings. Considering the sustenance of this thinking process, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Question 3: What does a monitor in your class have to do?
In our class, a monitor does the following tasks:
(i) Minding the class in the absence of a teacher
(ii) Maintaining discipline in the class.
(iii) Collecting copies of all the students for teacher's checking and distributing them back
(iv) Taking care of chalk, duster etc.
(v) Collecting funds from the class for school welfare
Question 4: Would you like to be the class monitor? Why?
Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing their feelings. Considering the sustenance of this thinking process, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Page No 80:
Question Find Out and Write:
Question 1: What kinds of tools are needed for climbing mountains?
Ropes, sling (type of hook), pegs or pitons, axes, sticks and hunter shoes etc. are needed for climbing the mountains.
Question 2: Have you ever seen a hook and rope being used for anything else? Where?
Yes, I have seen hook and rope being used by people to climb a tall building. People in the Rescue and Relief team also use hook and rope to save people under trouble. Disclaimer: This question calls for the process of one's own observation and gathering information. The answer for the same can vary from one student to another.
Question 3: What else can we use if we want to cross a river in the mountains?
To cross a river in the mountains we can use a bridge, trolley or a boat. Disclaimer: This question calls for the process of one's own observation and gathering information. The answer for the same can vary from one student to another.
Question 4: Why do we need extra energy on the mountains?
We need extra energy to climb up the mountains as for moving up, we always need to put more effort. This is because the earth always pulls us down by a force called the gravitational force. While climbing up we need to work against that downward force.
Question 5: Have you ever heard of anyone who has done something adventurous? What?
I have heard people climbing up a tall building, diving in river from a great height, doing trekking and river rafting. Disclaimer: The given answer is a sample answer. This question calls for the process of one's own observation and gathering information. The answer for the same can vary from one student to another.
Question 6: Have you ever done anything adventurous? If yes, tell your class. Write about it in your own words.
I have heard people climbing up a tall building, diving in river from a great height, doing trekking and river rafting. Disclaimer: This second part of the question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing their adventurous activities. Considering the sustenance of this thinking process, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Page No 81:
Question Tell:
Question 1: Have you ever climbed a tree? How did you feel? Were you scared? Did you ever fall?
Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing their adventurous activities. Considering the sustenance of this thinking process, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Question 2: Have you ever seen someone climb a small wall? What do you think is the difference between climbing a wall and climbing a high rock?
Climbing a small wall is easier as compared to climbing a high rock.
Page No 82:
Question Tell:
Question 1: Is there anyone in your class whose language you do not understand, or who does not understand yours? What do you do in such a case?
Yes, there are few children in my class whose language I do not understand. If we do not understand anyone's language, we try to communicate with sign language. We may take help of an interpreter who can understand more than one language.
Question 2: Have you ever lost your way? What did you do then?
If we ever lose our way, we should not panic. We should try to shout loudly or whistle for help so that someone may hear our voice and find us easily. We can put up a flag or any other observable thing as a sign for help. Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing their action in different situation. The answer for the same can vary from one student to another.
Question 3:Why do you think Khondonbi would have sung loudly?
I think Khondonbi would have sung loudly to get over her fear. She would also have sung loudly so that other group members could find her easily.
Question 4: Have you ever seen someone doing something special to get over their fear? What and when?
Disclaimer: This question has to be answered based upon one's own experience. Hence, the same can vary from one student to another. Considering this, the answer to the question has not been provided.
Page No 84:
Question Discuss:
Question 1: Why do you think a drain was dug around the tent?
I think a drain was dug around the tent to the collect water that flows from the sloping roofs of the tent.
Question 2: Besides mountaineering, what are other activities that can be called adventurous? Why?
Besides mountaineering, the activities such as rock climbing, trekking and river rafting can be called adventurous. These are called adventurous because these are all outdoor activities and are undertaken for recreation and excitement. Disclaimer: The first part of the question deals with naming of adventurous activities. There are many such activities and a sample answer for the same has been provided. Students can have their own listings of such activities.
Page No 85:
Question Imagine and Write:
Question 1: You are on a mountain. How do you feel there? What can you see? What do you feel like doing there?
Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing their feelings in different adventurous activities. Considering this, the answer to the question has not been provided.