NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 The Talkative Barber Class 5 English Marigold

A barber in the story is very talkative. When he's working, he doesn't stop talking. One day, a Sultan shaved his head. The Sultan, however, is unaware of what lies ahead. Rather than doing his job, the barber starts talking to the Sultan. The Sultan is now becoming irritated and wants him to finish his task quickly. In spite of the Sultan's orders, the barber just won't stop talking. The exchange between the two is funny in this story. His talkative nature makes Sultan uneasy, but his barber doesn't back down. It is the nature of a talkative barber to talk about anything and everything.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5th English Chapter 6 The Talkative Barber

The Talkative Barber Questions and Answer

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 The Talkative Barber NCERT Solutions


CBSE Class 5

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Page No 105:

Question 1: How many brothers did the Barber have?


The barber had six brothers.

Page No 105:

Question 2: Why was the Sultan in a hurry?


Sultan was in a hurry because he had to go out at noon to give feast to some of his friends.


Page No 105:

Question 3: Why did the Barber take so long to shave the Sultan? 


The barber was very talkative because of which he took so long to shave the Sultan.

Page No 105:

Question 4: Write True or False.

(i) The Barber was shaving the Sultan's beard.____

(ii) The Sultan gave him three gold coins.____

(iii) The Barber refused to leave the Sultan's palace.____

(iv) There were seven brothers altogether in the Sultan's family.____


(i) False (ii) True (iii) True (iv) False


Page No 105: 

Question 5: Why did the Barber want a lot of food? 


Barber wanted a lot of food because he had invited four or five friends to come to his house for feast. He had invited those friends without making any preparations.


Page No 105: 

Question 1: A Lion 

A lion emerged from his lair

For a short summer cut to his hair, 

But the barber he wept, 

While his customers slept 

As they waited their turn in the chair.                  

                                                                                        JOSHEPH G.FRANCIS                               Answer 

A lion emerged from his lair 

For a short summer cut to his hair, 

But the barber he wept, 

While his customers slept 

As they waited their turn in the chair.


Page No 106: 

Question 1: Did the Sultan enjoy the Barber's talk? Why do you say so? 


No, Sultan did not enjoy the Barber's talk. It is because he tried to get rid of the barber by giving him three gold coins.


Page No 106: 

Question 2: Which part of the story did you find the funniest? 


The funniest part in the story is when the barber stops shaving the Sultan in between to examine each dish separately.


Page No 106: 

Question 3: What are the things the Sultan gave to the Barber? 


Sultan gave three pieces of gold, lots of food and dessert to the barber.


Page No 106: 

Question 4: Do you think the Sultan was really very generous? Why do you say so? 


Yes, I think Sultan was really very generous. It is so because he gave three pieces of gold, and food to the barber so as he can stop talking and finish shaving him.


Page No 106: 

Question 1: Study the words in the first column and see the changes in them in the second column. The words in Column II are the opposites of the words in Column I. 

       I                                 II 

important                  unimportant 

patient                        impatient 

pleasure                     displeasure 

Now write the opposites of the following using un-, im-, dis. 

(i) believe                    ______

(ii) shaved                   ______

(iii) perfect                  ______

(iv) satisfy                   ______

(v) polite                      ______

(vi) respect                  ______

(vii) pure                      _____

(viii) expected             ______

(ix) obedient                ______


(i) believe                  disbelieve 

(ii) shaved                  unshaved 

(iii) perfect                imperfect 

(iv) satisfy                 unsatisfied 

(v) polite                    impolite 

(vi) respect               disrespect 

(vii) pure                    impure 

(viii) expected          unexpected 

(ix) obedient             disobedient


Page No 107: 

Question 2: Fill in the blanks by adding un-, im- or dis- to the words given in the box.  








(i) The teacher got upset with Rani because her work was____. 

(ii) The dog was____ to climb the tree to chase the cat. 

(iii) I ____ hot milk, I like it cold. 

(iv) It is____ to cross the road during peak traffic hours. 

(v) The magician waved his magic wand and made the rabbit____. 

(vi) The passengers became____ when the train was late again. 

(vii) It is very____ to make fun of another person's weaknesses. 


(i) untidy (ii) unable (iii) dislike (iv) impossible (v) disappear (vi) impatient (vii) unkind


Page No 107: 

Question 3: Notice the highlighted words in the sentence given below. 

You ordered me to come, so I will not quit your house till I have shaved 


While he was shaving me, he could not stop talking. 

Now use the joining words given in the box to fill in the blanks. 

     if      or    till    where    unless    so    while 

(i) Please wait with me_____ the bus arrives. 

(ii) Do you like football_____ cricket? 

(iii) My father packed my lunch_____ my mother combed my hair. 

(iv) We will reach on time_____ we go by the car. 

(v) Your speech cannot be heard by the audience_____  you use a powerful mike. 

(vi) It was a beautiful day_____ they decided to go for a picnic. 

(vii) We went to the zoo_____ we saw many animals. 


(i) till (ii) or (iii) while (iv) if (v) unless (vi) so (vii) where


Page No 108: 

Question 1:


Look at the words in the bubbles. Write what you do when you are at a 

(i) feast?                                            _____

(ii) race?                                            _____

(iii) cricket match?                           _____

(iv) cinema?                                      _____

(v) fair?                                             _____

(vi) party?                                         _____


(i) feast?                                          serve 

(ii) race?                                        compete 

(iii) cricket match?                         play 

(iv) cinema?                                   enjoy 

(v) fair?                                           shout 

(vi) party?                                      dance


Page No 108: 

Question 1: How does your father/uncle shave his face every day? He lathers his face with shaving cream, then he uses his razor. He runs it over his face, in even strokes. After this, he washes his face and wipes it to get rid of the lather. 

Now describe two of the following processes. 

(i) How to send a letter/e- mail 

(ii) How to make a salad. 

(iii) How to prepare a garden bed to grow flowers. 

(iv) How to paint a mural or a wall picture. 


Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences and observations. 

(i) How to make a salad Wash all vegetables, tomatoes and herbs and chop them. Mix them all together. You can add nuts to it if you like. Squeeze lemon and add a pinch of salt to taste. Fresh salad is ready to serve. 

(ii) How to send an e-mail Click on the tab 'Compose' and then type the e-mail address of the person to whom you want to send the mail. Type the subject of your e-mail which tells the reader what the mail is about before starting to read it. Type your message in the big box below the subject. After that, click on the send button when you have competed your e-mail. 




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