RD Sharma Solutions Chapter 10 Circles Exercise 10.2 Class 10 Maths

RD Sharma Solutions Chapter 10 Circles Exercise 10.2 Class 10 Maths

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RD Sharma Chapter 10 Circles

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RD Sharma Mathematics for Class 10

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  • Exercise 10.1

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths

Exercise 10.2 Solutions

1. If PT is a tangent at T to a circle whose center is O and OP = 17 cm, OT = 8 cm. Find the length of tangent segment PT. 


OT = radius = 8 cm 
OP = 17 cm 
PT = length of tangent = ? 

2. Find the length of a tangent drawn to a circle with radius 5cm, from a point 13 cm from the center of the circle.


Consider a circle with center O. 
OP = radius = 5cm. 
A tangent is drawn at point P, such that line through O intersects it at Q, OB = 13cm. 
Length of tangent PQ = ? 

3. A point P is 26 cm away from O of circle and the length PT of the tangent drawn from P to the circle is 10 cm. Find the radius of the circle. 


Given OP = 26 cm 
PT = length of tangent  = 10 cm 
radius = OT = ? 

4. If from any point on the common chord of two intersecting circles, tangents be drawn to circles, prove that they are equal.


Let the two circles intersect at points X and Y. 
XY is the common chord. 
Suppose 'A' is a point on the common chord and AM and AN be the tangents drawn A to the circle. 
We need to show that AM = AN. 
In order to prove the above relation, following property will be used. 
"Let PT be a tangent to the circle from an external point P and a secant to the circle through P intersects the circle at points A and B, then PT2 = PA × PB"
Now AM is the tangent and AXY is a secant
∴ AM2 = AX × AY ...(i) 
AN is a tangent and AXY is a secant
∴ AN2 = AX × AY ...(ii) 
From (i) & (ii), we have  AM2 = AN2 
∴ AM = AN 

5. If the quadrilateral sides touch the circle prove that sum of pair of opposite sides is equal to the sum of other pair. 
Consider a quadrilateral ABCD touching circle with center O at points E, F, G and H as in figure. 

We know that 
The tangents drawn from same external points to the circle are equal in length.
1. Consider tangents from point A [AM ⊥ AE]
AH = AE ...(i) 
2. From point B [EB & BF]
BF = EB ...(ii) 
3. From point C [CF &  GC]
FC = CG  ...(iii) 
4. From point D [DG  & DH] 
DH = DG  ...(iv) 
Adding (i), (ii), (iii), & (iv) 
(AH + BF + FC + DH) = [(AC + CB) + (CG + DG)] 
⇒ (AH + DH) + (BF + FC) = (AE + EB) + (CG + DG)
⇒ AD + BC = AB + DC  [from fig.] 
Sum of one pair of opposite sides is equal to other. 

6. If AB, AC, PQ are tangents in Fig. and AB = 5cm find the perimeter of ΔAPQ. 

7. Prove that the intercept of a tangent between two parallel tangents to a circle subtends a right angle at center. 
Consider circle with center 'O' and has two parallel tangents through A & B at ends of diameter. 

8. In Fig below, PQ is tangent at point R of the circle with center O. If  ∠ TRQ = 30° . Find. ∠PRS. 

9. If PA and PB are tangents from an outside point P. Such that PA = 10 cm and ∠APB  = 60°.  Find the length of chord AB. 
AP = 10 cm 
∠APB = 60°
Represented in the figure 
We know that 

A line drawn from center to point from where external tangents are drawn divides or bisects the angle made by tangents at that point ∠APO = ∠OPB = 1/2 × 60° = 30° 
The chord AB will be bisected perpendicularly 
∴ AB = 2AM

10. From an external point P, tangents PA and PB are drawn to the circle with centre O. If CD is the tangent to the circle at point E and PA = 14 cm. Find the perimeter of ABCD. 
PA = 14 cm 
Perimeter of ΔPCD = PC + PD + CD = PC + PD + CE + ED 

We know that 
The two tangents drawn from external point to the circle are equal in length. 
From point P, PA = PB = 14 cm 
From point C, CE = CA 
From, point D, DB = ED 
Perimeter = PC + PD + CA + DB 
= (PC  + CA)  + (PD + DB)
= PA + PB = 14 + 14 = 28 cm. 

11. In the fig. ABC is right triangle right angled at B such that BC = 6cm and AB = 8cm. Find the radius of its in circle. 
BC = 6cm AB = 8cm 
As ABC is right angled triangle 

AC = 10 cm 
Consider BQOP ∠B = 90° , 
∠BPO = ∠OQB = 90° [At point of contact, radius is perpendicular to tangent] 
All the angles = 90° & adjacent sides are equal 
∴ BQOP is square BP = BQ = r 
We know that 
The tangents drawn from any external point are equal in length. 
AP = AR = AB - PB = 8 - r 
QC = RC = BC - BQ = 6 - r 
AC = AR + RC ⇒ 10 = 8 - r + 6 - r 
⇒ 10 = 14 - 2r 
⇒ 2r = 4 
⇒ Radius = 2 cm

12. From a point P, two tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle with center O. If OP = diameter of the circle shows that ΔAPB is equilateral. 
OP = 2r 
Tangents drawn from external point to the circle are equal in length PA = PB 

13. Two tangent segments PA and PB are drawn to a circle with center O such that ∠APB = 120° . Prove that OP = 2AP. 

14. If ΔABC is isosceles with AB = AC  and C (0, 2) is the in circle of the ΔABC touching BC at L, prove that L, bisects BC.
Given ΔABC is isosceles AB = AC

We know that 
The tangents from external point to circle are equal in length 
From point A, AP = AQ 
But AB = AC
⇒ AP + PB = AQ + QC 
⇒ PB = PC ...(i) 
From B, PB = BL  ...(ii) 
from C, CL = CQ  ...(iii) 
From (i), (ii) & (iii) 
BL = CL 
∴ L bisects BC. 

15. In fig. a circle touches all the four sides of quadrilateral ABCD with AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm, CD = 4 cm. Find AD. 
We know that the tangents drawn from any external point to circle are equal in length. 

16. Prove that the perpendicular at the point of contact to a circle passes through the center of the circle. 
We know that 

The at point of contact, the tangent is perpendicular to the radius is line from center to point on circle. Therefore, perpendicular to tangent will pass through center of circle. 

17. In fig.. O is the center of the circle and BCD is tangent to it at C. Prove that ∠BAC + ∠ACD = 90°
O is center of circle 
BCD is tangent. 

18. Two circles touch externally at a point P from a point T on the tangent at P, tangents TQ and TR are drawn to the circles with points of contact Q and E respectively. Prove that TQ = TR. 

Let the circles be represented by (i) & (ii) respectively 
TQ, TP are tangents to (i) 
TP, TR are tangents to (ii) 
We know that 
The tangents drawn from external point to the circle will be equal in length. 
For circle (i), TQ = TP ...(i) 
For circle (ii), TP = TR ...(ii) 
From (i) & (ii) TQ = TR 

19. In the fig. a circle is inscribed in a quadrilateral ABCD in which ∠B = 90° if AD = 23 cm, AB = 29 cm an DS = 5 cm, find the radius of the circle. 
Given AD = 23 cm 
AB = 29 cm 
∠ B = 90° 
DS = 5 cm 

From fig in quadrilateral POQB 
∠OPB = ∠OQB = 90° = ∠B = ∠POQ 
and PO = OQ 
∴ POQB is a square PB = BQ = r 
We know that 
Tangents drawn from external point to circle are equal in length. 
We know that 
Tangents drawn from external point to circle are equal in length. 
We know that 
Tangents drawn from external point to circle are equal in length. 
From A, AR = AQ ...(i) 
From B, PB = QB ...(ii) 
From C, PC = CS  ...(iii) 
From D, DR = DS  ...(iv) 

20. In fig. there are two concentric circles with Centre O of radii 5 cm and 3 cm. From an external point P, tangents PA and PB are drawn to these circles if AP = 12 cm, find the tangent length of BP.

21. In fig. AB is chord of length 16 cm of a circle of radius 10 cm. The tangents at A and B intersect at a point P. Find the length of PA.
Given length of chord AB = 16 cm. 
Radius OB = OA = 10 cm. 

Let line through Centre to point from where tangents are drawn be intersecting chord AB at M. we know that the line joining Centre to point from where tangents are drawn be intersecting chord AB at M. we know that the line joining Centre to point from where tangents are drawn bisects the chord joining the points on the circle where tangents intersects the circle. 

22. In figure PA and PB are tangents from an external point p to the circle with centre O. LN touches the circle at M. Prove that PL + LM  = PN + MN 

O is Centre of circle 
PA and PB are tangents 
We know that 
The tangents drawn from external point to the circle are equal in length. 
From point P, PA = PB 
⇒ PL + AL = PN + NB ...(i) 
From point L & N, AL = LM and MN = NB
Substitute in (i) 
PL + LM = PN + MN 
Hence proved. 

23. In the fig. PO ⊥ QO. The tangents to the circle at P and Q intersect at a point T. Prove that PQ and OT are light bisectors of each other. 

24. In the fig two tangents AB and AC are drawn to a circle O such that ∠BAC = 120° . Prove that OA = 2AB. 

25. In the fig. BC is a tangent to the circle with Centre O. OE bisects AP. Prove that ΔAEO ~ ΔABC. 

BC is tangent to circle 
OE bisects AP, AE = EP 
Consider ΔAOP 

26. The lengths of three consecutive sides of a quadrilateral circumscribing a circle are 4 cm, 5 cm and 7 cm respectively. Determine the length of fourth side. 

27. In fig. common tangents PQ and RS to two circles intersect at A. Prove that PQ = RS. 

28. Equal circles with centers O and O' touch each other at X. OO' produced to meet a circle with centre O' at A. AC is tangent to the circle whose centre is a O' D is perpendicular to AC. Find the value of DO'/CO 

29. In figure OQ : PQ = 3 : 4 and perimeter of ΔPDQ = 60 cm. determine PQ, QR and OP. 
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