Frank Solutions for Chapter 3 The Cell- A Unit of Life Class 9 Biology ICSE


1. Justify the statement "Cell is the basic unit of life"
All living organisms are made up of cells. Cells are the building blocks of all organisms and
they give structural and functional stability to the organisms. All the metabolic processes needed to keep an organism alive occur at the cellular level. Hence cell is said to be the basic unit of life.

2. Who proposed the Cell theory? Explain the main points of this theory.
In 1839, M.J. Schleiden and T. Schwann proposed the cell theory. This was further expanded by Virchow in 1858. The main features of the cell theory as known at present are:
  1. All living organisms are composed of cell. Hence cell is the structural unit of living organisms.
  2. All cells arise from pre-existing cells of the similar kind by cell division.
  3. The chemical composition and metabolism of all cells is basically alike.

3. Define the term cell? Also, describe types of cells.
Cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of all living organisms and is a membrane
bound structure enclosing the protoplasm.
The two types of cells are:
(i) Prokaryotic cells - These cells lack a well-organised nucleus and membrane bound organelles. They are usually found in unicellular organisms, which are referred to as prokaryotes.
Exampls of prokaryotes are bacteria and blue-green algae.
(ii) Eukaryotic cells - These cells possess a well-organised nucleus and membrane bound organelles. Organisms made up of eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotes.
Examples of eukaryotes are plants and animals.

4. Name any five cell organelles.
The organelles present in a typical cell are:
  1. Mitochondria
  2. Endoplasmic reticulum
  3. Plastid
  4. Golgi body
  5. Vacuoles
  6. Lysosomes
  7. Centrosomes

5. What was the contribution of the following to our knowledge of cells?
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Virchow
(c) Schleiden
(d) Schwann

(a) Robert Hooke discovered and named cells.
(b) Virchow stated that new cells originate only from pre-existing cells (omnis cellula e cellula).
(c) Schleiden found that all plant cells have essentially similar structure.
(d) Schwann observed that all animal cells are basically similar and lack cell wall.

6. How will you distinguish cell wall from plasma membrane?
Cell Wall Cell Membrane
It is the outermost covering of plant cell It is the outermost covering of animal cell
It is a non-living structure It is a living structure
It is freely permeable It is semi-permeable
It is composed of cellulose and pectin It is majorly made up of phospholipids along with protiens and polysaccharides.

7. What is the function of the following?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Ribosomes
(c) Cell membrane
(a) Mitochondria- It is the powerhouse of the cell and provides energy for carrying out all the vital life activities of the cell.

(b) Ribosomes- It is the site of protein synthesis.

(c) Cell membrane - It gives definite shape to the cell, protects the internal cell contents and allows entry and exit of specific substances into and out of the cell.

8. What are plastids? Write two of its main functions.
Plastids are self-replicating organelles present only in plant cells and absent in animal cells.
They are of three types:
  1. Chloroplast – Green coloured plastids (due to presence of chlorophyll)
  2. Chromoplast– Coloured plastids (except green colour)
  3. Leucoplast – Colourless plastids
The main functions of plastids are:
  1. Chloroplasts trap solar energy and use it to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water by the process of photosynthesis.
  2. Chromoplasts attract insects and other animals to ensure pollination and dispersal of fruits.
  3. Leucoplasts store starch, proteins or lipids in cell.

9. Why are lysosomes called suicidal bags?
During starvation, lysosomes burst and release their powerful enzymes, which act on their
own cellular organelles and digest them. This results in cell death. Hence lysosomes are called suicidal bags.

10. Expand- ER, SER and RER.
ER – Endoplasmic Reticulum
SER – Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
RER – Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

11.Why is mitochondria called powerhouse of the cell?
Mitochondria contains enzymes necessary for the oxidation of carbohydrates and release
energy needed for all vital life activities in the form of ATP. Hence they are called powerhouses of the cell.

12. "Nucleus is controller of cell" - prove this statement.
Nucleus controls all the metabolic activities of the cell. It regulates cell division. Without nucleus, the cell dies and it cannot divide. Hence nucleus is the controller of cell.

13. What is a chromosome? Describe its structure in brief.
During cell division, the long and fibrous hereditary material, chromatin gets converted into short, thick and ribbon like structure called chromosome.
Chromosome are rod-shaped structures made of protein and DNA. A chromosome is composed of two identical chromatids attached by a centromere. Each chromatid is made up of tightly wound DNA wrapped around histones.
Structure of Chromosome

14. Give one main function of the following:
(a) Chloroplast
(b) Chromosomes
(d) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(a) Chloroplasts are the kitchens of the cell. They trap solar energy and use it to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water by the process of photosynthesis.
(b) Chromosomes are the hereditary material of the nucleus, concerned with the transmission of hereditary traits from parents to offspring.
(c) Endoplasmic Reticulum increases the surface area of the cytoplasm for different metabolic activities of the cell.

15. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
(a) The single-celled alga ______ measures 10 cm in length.
(b) DNA is abbreviated form of ______.
(c) Cell ______ was proposed by Schleiden and Schwann.
(d) The largest cell in the animal kingdom is that of ______ egg.
(e) ______ controls all the metabolic activities of the cell.

(a) Acetabularia
(b) Deoxyribonucleic acid
(c) Theory
(d) Ostrich
(e) Nucleus

16. Match the items in column A with the appropriate items in column B

Column A

Column B

Platform or work place for synthesis of proteins

Golgi complex

Power house of cells


Help in formation of cell plate during cell division


Site for photosynthesis


Control tower of cell


Structure bearing genes



Column A

Column B

Platform or work place for synthesis of proteins


Power house of cells


Help in formation of cell plate during cell division

Golgi complex

Site for photosynthesis


Control tower of cell


Structure bearing genes


17. Identify the lettered parts of the typical animal cell shown in the following figure.
a - Cell membrane
b - Nucleus
c - Chromatin
d - Nuclear membrane
e - SER
f - Mitochondria
g - Golgi vesicles
h - Golgi complex
i - RER
j - Ribosomes

18. Answer the following:
(a) Who studied the cell first?
(b) Who says that cell is the biological unit of body structure?
(c) Which is the longest human cell?
(d) Name the longest cell.
(e) Where is energy stored in a cell?
(f) Which is the smallest cell?
(g) What do you mean by prokaryotic cell?
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Schleiden and Schwann
(c) Nerve cell
(d) Fibres of ramie
(e) ATP
(f) The cell of Mycoplasma laidlawii
(g) Cell lacking a well-organised nucleus and membrane bound organelles is called prokaryotic cell.

19. Identify the lettered parts of the typical plant cell shown in the following figure.
a - Plasmodesmata
b - Nucleolus
c - Mitochondria
d - Golgi apparatus
e - Chloroplast
f - cell membrane
g - cell membrane
h - ER
i - Microtubule

20. Every question has four options. Choose the correct answer:

(i) Cell theory states
(a) all cells have nucleus.
(b) all cells are living.
(c) cell reproduces by mitosis and meiosis.
(d) cells are functional and structural unit of plants and animals.
(d) cells are functional and structural unit of plants and animals

(ii) Chromosomes are made up of
(a) DNA 
(b) RNA 
(c) protein 
(d) by all the above three
(a) DNA

(iii) Organelles found in plants only are
(a) golgi body 
(b) mitochondria
(c) plastid 
(d) ribosome
(c) plastid

(iv) A prokaryotic cell doesn't have
(a) nucleus membrane
(b) cell wall
(c) cytoplasm
(d) plasma membrane
(a) nucleus membrane

(v) Mitochondria was first seen by
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Altman
(c) Coliear
(d) Banda
(b) Altman

(vi) The word cell was given by
(a) Leeuwenhoek
(b) Robert Hooke
(c) Flamming
(d) Robert Brown
(b) Robert Hooke

(vii) Cell was discovered by
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Darwin
(c) Lamarck
(d) Khorana
(a) Robert Hooke
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